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  • miltonkahn 8:34 am on November 20, 2014 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Book Campaign, , book PR, , , Mobile Personalization   

    2014 Communication Trends 

    Every year now brings with it more technology and communication changes than the last. 2014 has been no exception. This year, we’ve seen breakthroughs, breakdowns and the continuing evolution of marketing strategies. In order to plan for 2015 and beyond, it helps to look back on this year’s trends.

    Traditional Media Continues to Decline

    News readers, tv watchers and radio listeners are getting better and better at dodging advertisements. Whether they’re fast forwarding or downloading, or simply playing on their phone during a commercial, traditional media no longer has the greatest effect.

    Budget cuts, slipping quality and diminished coverage has alienated a large amount of people who use to regularly read and subscribe to newspapers and magazines. As some media companies continue to lose print revenue and fail to make up that revenue online, they will either adapt or they will fail. Some traditional news companies are doing better than others, as a few have found their place in dispensing credibility instead of new information.

    Brand Journalism

    As people lost faith in traditional media, brand journalism snuck in and has made a name for itself. As content marketers struggle to keep up with the demand for constant new content, and as the available number of traditional journalism jobs continue to decline, trained journalist are increasingly switching to in-house brand journalism.

    Because media organizations are no longer the gatekeepers of information, how we think of “news” continues to evolve. PR and content marketing pros are primed to earn credibility and generate visibility for their brand.

    Additionally, brands are starting to realize they must take more responsibility for maintaining their clients’ attention. Relying on traditional media is simply no longer cutting it, and those who understand this are pushing ahead, while the rest fall back.

    Mobile Personalization

    This year has continued the mobilization trend as well. In fact, mobile internet users are now passing up the number of traditional desktop users. Mobile applications offer us more convenience, simplicity and entertainment than ever. They key is knowing how to produce quality work and keeping up with the changing technology.

    As people delve deeper into their phones and technology, advertisers have continued to increase the personalization of their ads and content. PR professionals are assisting companies in how to better take smarter approaches that extend personalization even beyond the PC.

    Milton Kahn is the public relations professional who understands and keeps up with technology and marketing trends and changes. As one of the top PR professionals in the publishing industry, Milton Kahn has what it takes to get your book the attention it deserves. If you’re lost in the communication changes and don’t best understand how to market your book, contact Milton Kahn today.

  • miltonkahn 3:23 pm on January 22, 2014 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: book PR, nonfiction   

    Alston Chase, Milton Kahn Client and Unabomber Expert 


    In a sea of media reports and rumors about the Unabomber, one book stood above the rest

    as the premiere tome about the domestic terrorist: A Mind for Murder: the Education of the

    Unabomber and the Origins of Modern Terrorism. Milton Kahn represented noted author Alston

    Chase for his successful book PR campaign marketing the title, turning the author into an

    internationally recognized pundit on the surprising origins of the psychopath’s violent reign of

    terror that gripped the country for almost two decades.


    As Publisher’s Weekly noted in its review of the popular book, “With its unusual emphasis

    and sometimes surprisingly personal tone, this may become the definitive Kaczynksi volume.”

    Indeed, its story of the brilliant professor turned killer spun an almost unbelievable tale of

    superior intelligence and education, combined with unusual psychological deprivations and

    personal setbacks that led ultimately to disaster. Chase provided a blow by blow account of

    not just the Unabomber’s planning and carrying out of his terrible crimes, but also a narrative

    showing in fine detail the moral disintegration of a damaged soul.


    While Milton Kahn has represented several successful mystery writers and promoted many

    whodunit films over the years, it was this book that perhaps was the most frightening, as it was


  • miltonkahn 7:00 am on October 11, 2013 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , book PR,   

    Milton Kahn: Publishing Consultant, and Marketing Expert 

    Ask any of the major players in Los Angeles entertainment PR firms who Milton Kahn is, and you will get the same answer: the publishing consultant, and marketing expert who changed the game in Hollywood, winning more Oscar and EMMY nominations for his clients than any other entertainment publicity expert before or since. As the entertainment PR agent to stars like Gregory Peck and Michael Landon, composers Herb Alpert, Bill Conti, Jimmy Haskell, Fred Karlin and Bruce Broughton, Milton became a living legend among those who make their business the world of entertainment. With Roger Corman’s lifetime achievement Academy Award, Milton was also able to see his longtime friend and client receive the recognition he earned with over 400 films over the length of his career. Indeed, Milton has left a significant mark, bringing fame and fortune to his friends and clients in the spotlight.

    Today, as the leading book marketer in the United States today, Milton has represented such luminaries as J.A. Jance, Jeffrey Belle, James Halperin, Stanley Alpert and countless other bestselling names and titles,  including a World Almanac Book of Records. Indeed, the New York Times bestseller list frequently reads like a personal contacts directory belonging to Mr. Kahn, with his storied career and many entertainment and publishing contacts.

    As a sports book marketer, Milton has also parlayed his interest in basketball, football, hockey and more into extreme success for his celebrity clients. Over the years, he has represented George Brett, Tony Dorsett, Bart Starr, Eric Dickerson, Gordie Howe and many others in lucrative book marketing projects that led to bestsellers and lasting success for all.

    Most recently, Milton turned down a 5 year, 10 million dollar offer from a national corporation interested in expanding his services, so as to remain a book publicist in Santa Barbara. Despite his exposure to powerful celebrities, Milton above all values his quaint small town, Santa Barbara lifestyle and the important personalized service he is able to provide his stable of successful authors. Call him today for a free consultation on your unique project! Large or small, you’ll get a sense of what both needs to be done-and how Milton Kahn can provide the  marketing skills necessary to make it happen. Affordable and effective, you’ll understand why Milton has earned his reputation as the nation’s premier book publicity expert.


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